Products from HängemattenGlück

The hammocks and hammock chairs from HängemattenGlück® are all GOTS-certified. The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, including ecological and social criteria, backed up by independent certification of the entire textile supply chain.
The aim of the standard is to define world-wide recognized requirements that ensure organic status of textiles, from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing up to labelling in order to provide a credible assurance to the end consumer. Textile processors and manufacturers are enabled to export their organic fabrics and garments with one certification accepted in all major markets.
The consensus of the Founding Organizations was that a clear and unambiguous understanding of the content required that the Global Standard itself focuses on compulsory criteria only. The standard covers the processing, manufacturing, packaging, labelling, trading and distribution of all textiles made from at least 70% certified organic natural fibres. The final products may include, but are not limited to fibre products, yarns, fabrics, clothes and home textiles.
The core norms of the International Labor Organization (ILO) serve as a basis for its social minimum criteria. The directives are directed against forced labour, child labour, excessive working hours, discrimination on the grounds of origin, religion, sex, color or political opinion. They also promote the right to unionization and organization of workers, fair wages and fair working and employment conditions.
The WFTO (World Fair Trade Organization) stands for the observance of fair working and trade conditions, and has set itself the goal of assisting small, economically disadvantaged producers to develop and maintain a place on the market in order to sustainably improve their living conditions. The hammocks and hammock chairs are made in a small factory in South India. This company is WFTO-certified. Many young men and women get a good training and work place there. The medical and social care of the workers and their families is ensured and the children are given a good school education.