Payment & Dispatch
Due to current high parcels volume due to the corona situation, the delivery of your shipment may be delayed by several days. We ask for your patience in these cases.
All orders from a value of at least 50 EUR will be shipped within Germany free of charge.
If possible, you will receive your order completely in one delivery, unless otherwise requested. Orders are usually dispatched within 2 business days after receipt of payment, unless otherwise stated.
Single orders within Germany under a value of 50 EUR cost 6.90 EUR.
We ship EU-wide. Costs are 18.90 EUR per order.
For our customers from Switzerland: The German VAT of 19% is omitted and the shipping costs are 34.90 EUR
Please note that due to their size, our beanbags must be shipped individually and that the shipping costs are calculated according to the package and displayed in the shopping cart. These are shipped with DHL EU-wide.
Some beanbag models, due to their size, have to be shipped with a freight fowarder. You will find corresponding information in the respective article descriptions. If you would like this product to be shipped to a country outside of Germany, please contact us before you order, so we can tell you the exact shipping costs (these can vary considerably depending on destination).
Please note: We do not deliver hammock stands to Switzerland!
Please note that customs duties and tax may arise for deliveries to non-EU countries.
Any enquiries you might have can be sent to us per email to or just call us under +49 (421) 578 76 15
We offer the followings methods of payment:
- Bank transfer (payment in advance)
- PayPal